Adventurer Crew

Expedition Club

This epic voyage will stretch you physically, mentally and take you to places that very few people have seen let alone sailed.

Adventurer Crew

December 31 2026

Adventurer Crew

All benefits of Supporter and Explorer membership, PLUS an allocated place on the first voyage of the Yacht AND 20% off all Wavysail trips

Reserve your chance to be one of the very first people to sail on this iconic, world-leading vessel. Adventurer club members will be invited to join the very first voyage of the Expedition Zero yacht. Membership holds your space in reserve. Once the yacht is launched in 2025, and the dates of voyages are confirmed, you will have the option to take up the berth for an additional fee of £3,500. If you chose not to take up the berth, or if the vessel is not completed, you will not be charged anything beyond the membership fee, and you retain all the other benefits of membership until December 31st 2026

Benefits of Adventurer membership
— Reserved space on first voyage of “Expedition Zero yacht” (can also be used to join any other single passage, except the NW passage if preferred)
— Quarterly updates
— Access to private members area on
— Meet the team events - skipper, crew and team
— Mineral fiber “Club” membership card
— Expedition club polo shirt
— Expedition Club founders' jacket
— Named plaque mounted in the yacht & certificate for you
— Trip to innovation yacht shipyard (includes accommodation, meals and tour of yard – excludes travel to France)
— 20% discount on every Wayvsail adventure booked before December 31st 2026*
PLUS - during February ONLY ... on becoming a member, you will receive a unique code, which will give 100% discount on any of our Scottish or Croatian 2024 trips - subject to availability. A trip worth up to £3,000 completely FREE!
*Discounts on Wavysail trips booked before December 2026. Subject to availability. Discount applied to every Wavysail trip booked, including on expedition zero expeditions except on the Northwest passage, or the allocated berth on the initial voyage, (or alternative trip taken in lieu of the initial voyage).

Adventurer Crew


All Club membership benefits remain in place until Dec ’26 – club membership is non-refundable.

Berth fee will only be due after vessel launch and expedition dates are confirmed.

When launch date and expedition dates are confirmed Club members will have the option to “give up” their berth at no fee. Beyond this date, after acceptance, berth fees will be due and no refunds given. 

If the vessel is not launched or the trip is cancelled before launch, no berth fee will be due.

For full details see our Terms and conditions